Owners Direct Holidays  - Villa and Apartment rentals

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peaceful mountain villa bumikahyangan bandung indonesia



BUMIKAHYANGAN is located on the top of the hill of peaceful mountain Manglayang , Jatinangor region, Bandung city, West Java, Indonesia. surounded by beautiful forest, primitive kampoeng with peaceful mind, fresh mountain air, very good panorama, very quiet place, and fantastic SUNRISE and smoky mountain. Only 30 minutes from Bandung and 150 minutes from Jakarta. You are invited to come and enjoy the Interesting, wonderful, different, and exciting places to relax, explore your inner awareness, and practice your spiritual beliefs. The fittest place to do personal and group retreat , all ages. We have created the perfect environment for: youth camps, retreats , picnics , family reunions, corporate team building, weddings, conferences, gathering and others. We can comfortably accommodate over 150 people. your group will surely enjoy their unique bumikahyangan experience! , All traditional Villas are made of Bamboo, fun and informal lodging, campfires, wilderness hikes and much more.for details see at bumikahyangan.com or contact the owner 08159062990 (tri wibowo) We provide amazing place and can manage your needs (companies,government,schools) for outbound-training, teambuilding, gathering, outing, piknic, adventure, seminars, meeting, retreat and others. we have more than 100 games that macht to your coctumized programs Just call me at 08159062990 , we can talk to enlighten your programs.

Specific details

Bathroom details 25
Bedrooms details 150 max
Living Areas 5 ha
Maximum Occupancy 150
Price Information USD 50 - USD 80

Advert details

Advert ID: 4958
Displayed: 13068
In categories: Indonesia

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